How Ruby on Rails Processes a Request: An In-Depth Exploration — Ruby Deep Dive [20]

This articles looks at How Ruby on Rails works, by diving deep in the Request-Response Cycle.

Bhavyansh @ DiversePixel
6 min readSep 2, 2024

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a popular web application framework built on the Ruby programming language. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which helps organize code and separate concerns effectively. To understand how Rails works, especially from the perspective of a Rails developer, let’s break down the request-response cycle and how different classes and components interact to serve a user’s request.

1. The Anatomy of a Request-Response Cycle in Rails

When a user interacts with a Rails application (e.g., by visiting a URL or submitting a form), a request is sent to the server. This initiates a series of events that involve multiple components of the Rails framework, each playing a crucial role in processing the request and generating a response. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how Rails processes a request:

Step 1: Receiving the Request

The first step in the request-response cycle is receiving the request from the client (e.g., a browser). This request is received by a web server (like Puma, Unicorn, or Passenger) configured to handle HTTP requests. The web server then passes this request to the Rails application via the Rack interface.

Rack Interface: Rack is a modular interface that sits between the web server and the Rails application. It standardizes how requests and responses are handled. Rails applications are essentially Rack applications that respond to a call method. This is where the journey within Rails begins.

Step 2: Routing the Request

Once the request reaches Rails, the router is the first component to interact with it. The Rails router (config/routes.rb) maps incoming requests to specific controller actions based on the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) and the URL path.

  • Routing: The router matches the URL pattern to one of the defined routes. For example, if the URL is /articles/1, the router might direct this to the ArticlesController's show action.
  • Route Parameters: The router also extracts parameters from the URL, such as id in /articles/:id, making these available to the controller.

The Rails router parses the incoming request URL and determines which controller and action should handle the request. This is done by evaluating the URL path against the defined routes in config/routes.rb. For example, a request to /articles/1 might map to the ArticlesController#show action with params[:id] = 1.

Step 3: Controller Instantiation and Action Execution

Once the router identifies the appropriate controller and action, Rails instantiates a new controller object. Here’s how it works:

  • Controller Instantiation: Rails creates a new instance of the controller class. If the router determines that the ArticlesController should handle the request, Rails instantiates a new ArticlesController object.
  • Action Method Execution: The controller’s action method corresponding to the route (e.g., show) is invoked. The controller receives the request environment (env), which includes parameters (params), session data (session), and cookies (cookies).

During this step, the controller can interact with the model layer to fetch or manipulate data from the database. For example, Article.find(params[:id]) might retrieve the article with the specified ID from the database.

Step 4: Interacting with the Model

The Model in Rails is responsible for handling data-related logic. Typically, Rails models inherit from ApplicationRecord (which, in turn, inherits from ActiveRecord::Base), making them Active Record models. Active Record is an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) layer that allows Rails models to interact with the database using Ruby methods.

  • Fetching Data: If a controller action needs to fetch data from the database, it will call model methods (e.g., Article.find(params[:id])). The model queries the database using SQL and returns Ruby objects that represent the data.
  • Business Logic: Any business logic or validations are typically handled within the model layer. For example, before saving an article, a model might validate the presence of a title using validates :title, presence: true.

Step 5: Rendering the View

After the controller action has performed its logic (including any interactions with the model layer), the controller will typically render a view to generate the HTML response. Views in Rails are templates written in ERB (Embedded Ruby) or other templating languages (like Haml or Slim) that combine HTML with Ruby code.

  • View Selection: By default, Rails will render a view with the same name as the action. For instance, if the action is show in ArticlesController, Rails will render app/views/articles/show.html.erb.
  • Rendering Process: The view template is evaluated in the context of an instance of ActionView::Base, which provides access to all helper methods and instance variables defined in the controller (@article becomes available in the view).

Step 6: Using Helpers in Views

Rails provides helper methods to simplify repetitive tasks in views, like formatting dates or generating links. These helpers are available in views automatically due to Rails’ convention over configuration philosophy.

  • Automatic Availability: Rails automatically includes helper modules defined in app/helpers into the ActionView::Base context. For example, if you have ArticlesHelper with a method format_date, this method is directly available in your show.html.erb view.
  • Built-in Helpers: Rails also comes with a host of built-in helpers, like link_to for creating hyperlinks or form_for for building forms.

Step 7: Rendering Partial Views

Rails views can be broken down into smaller, reusable pieces called partials. Partials are used to DRY up view templates and make them more manageable.

  • Rendering a Partial: You can render a partial in a view using the render method, like so: <%= render 'shared/header' %>. This tells Rails to render _header.html.erb from the shared directory.
  • Passing Local Variables: Partials can also accept local variables, making them flexible and reusable. For example: <%= render 'article', article: @article %>.

Step 8: Generating the Response

Once the view is rendered, Rails generates the final HTTP response. This includes the HTML content and any necessary HTTP headers (like Content-Type and Content-Length).

  • Response Object: Rails encapsulates the HTTP response in a Response object. This object is sent back to the client via the Rack interface, completing the request-response cycle.

Step 9: Caching and Optimization

Rails has several caching mechanisms to optimize performance, including page caching, action caching, fragment caching, and low-level caching.

  • Fragment Caching: You can cache parts of a view (e.g., a navigation bar) using cache blocks, reducing the need to regenerate these elements on each request.
  • Low-Level Caching: Rails provides the Rails.cache interface for more granular caching strategies, like storing expensive calculations or API responses.

2. How Components Work Together Seamlessly

The seamless integration of these components in Rails is achieved through a combination of conventions, design patterns, and the framework’s internal architecture. Here’s a closer look at how this seamless integration is maintained:

  1. Convention Over Configuration: Rails follows a “convention over configuration” approach, which means that many settings and configurations are inferred from the directory structure and file naming conventions. This reduces the amount of configuration code needed and allows components to integrate smoothly.
  2. Dependency Injection and Middleware Stack: Rails relies on Rack middleware to handle various aspects of the request and response cycle, such as session management, parameter parsing, and more. Middleware components can be inserted, removed, or reordered to modify the behavior of the application.
  3. Autoloading and Zeitwerk: Rails uses the Zeitwerk autoloader to load classes on demand. This autoloading mechanism allows you to organize your application in a logical structure, and Rails automatically loads the necessary classes when they are referenced.
  4. Active Record and Database Abstraction: Active Record provides a consistent interface for interacting with the database, abstracting the underlying SQL queries and allowing developers to work with database records as Ruby objects.
  5. ActionController and Request Abstraction: ActionController provides a rich set of methods and conventions to manage HTTP requests and responses, including strong parameters for security, rendering options for different formats (HTML, JSON, XML), and built-in CSRF protection.
  6. ActionView and Templating System: ActionView seamlessly integrates with controllers and models, allowing developers to easily use instance variables and helper methods within templates. This tight integration simplifies the development process and ensures a clear separation of concerns.
  7. Routing and URL Helpers: The routing system not only directs incoming requests to the appropriate controllers and actions but also provides URL helpers that make it easy to generate URLs for specific routes in your application, ensuring consistency and reducing the chance of errors.


The magic of Rails lies in its cohesive design and adherence to conventions, allowing different components to work together seamlessly. From routing a request to rendering a view, each step in the Rails request-response cycle is meticulously designed to provide a robust, flexible, and developer-friendly environment. By understanding how these components interact, Rails developers can better utilize the framework’s power and build more efficient and maintainable applications.



Bhavyansh @ DiversePixel
Bhavyansh @ DiversePixel

Written by Bhavyansh @ DiversePixel

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